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Welcome to Toolzr - Your Ultimate Online Toolkit! Discover a world of free, user-friendly, and reliable digital solutions.

From advanced file converters, efficient data processing tools, to comprehensive text and code utilities, Toolzr has everything you need to streamline your tasks.

Ideal for professionals, students, and tech enthusiasts alike, our platform ensures high-quality results with every use. Explore Toolzr today and enhance your productivity!

Discover Our Online Web Tools

Lorem Ipsum Generator Icon

Lorem Ipsum Generator

Create placeholder text effortlessly for your designs and projects.

Sort Lines Alphabetically Icon

Sort Lines Alphabetically

Organize text lines in ascending or descending order with ease.

Password Generator Icon

Password Generator

Generate strong, secure passwords to safeguard your accounts.

URL Slug Generator Icon

URL Slug Generator

Transform titles into SEO-friendly URLs quickly and efficiently.

URL Cleaner Icon

URL Cleaner

Remove unnecessary parameters from links to keep them clean and neat.

Word Counter

Word Counter

Analyze your text for word count, character count, and line count in seconds.

Duplicate Line Remover Icon

Duplicate Line Remover

Clean up your text by removing duplicate lines from a list.

Character Counter Icon

Character Counter

Count the number of characters in your text and ensure it meets specific limits.

Markdown Preview Icon

Markdown Preview

Preview your markdown text in real-time with our online markdown viewer.

VAT Calculator Icon

VAT Calculator

Quickly calculate VAT for prices, with an option to reverse-calculate VAT.

Line Counter Icon

Line Counter

Count the number of lines in your text for quick analysis.

URL Parser Icon

URL Parser

Analyze and parse URLs to extract components such as domain, path, and query parameters.

Number to Words Icon

Number to Words

Convert numbers into their word equivalents with ease.

HTML Stripper Icon

HTML Stripper

Remove HTML tags from your content to get plain text.

URL Encoder Icon

URL Encoder

Encode your URLs by converting special characters into a URL-safe format.

URL Decoder Icon

URL Decoder

Decode encoded URLs back into their original format.

HTML Encoder Icon

HTML Encoder

Encode special HTML characters and escape HTML code.

HTML Decoder Icon

HTML Decoder

Decode HTML entities back into their original characters.

Base64 Encoder Icon

Base64 Encoder

Convert text or data into Base64 encoded format.

Base64 Decoder Icon

Base64 Decoder

Decode Base64 encoded data back into its original format.

Base32 Encoder Icon

Base32 Encoder

Encode text or data into Base32 format.

Base32 Decoder Icon

Base32 Decoder

Decode Base32 encoded data back into its original format.

Base16 Encoder Icon

Base16 Encoder

Convert text or data into Base16 encoded format.

Base16 Decoder Icon

Base16 Decoder

Decode Base16 encoded data back into its original format.

Base58 Encoder Icon

Base58 Encoder

Encode your data into Base58 format, commonly used in cryptocurrency.

Base58 Decoder Icon

Base58 Decoder

Decode Base58 encoded data back into its original format.

Base36 Encoder Icon

Base36 Encoder

Encode text or data into Base36 format.

Base36 Decoder Icon

Base36 Decoder

Decode Base36 encoded data back into its original format.

Word Frequency Analyzer Icon

Word Frequency Analyzer

Count the frequency of words in your text to uncover patterns and trends.

Character Identifier Icon

Character Identifier

Analyze text, detect homoglyphs, and check Unicode values of each character.

Domain Availability Checker Icon

Domain Availability Checker

Check the availability of domain names across multiple TLDs using RDAP and DNS resolution.

Why Choose Toolzr?

At Toolzr, we’re committed to empowering users with efficient and intuitive tools to simplify complex tasks. Whether you’re a web developer, a student, or a professional, our platform offers a variety of free, open-source solutions to suit your needs.

Stay ahead with tools that are built for performance, accessibility, and ease of use. Explore Toolzr today and transform the way you work. Bookmark us now and never miss out on new tools and updates!

Have questions or suggestions? Contact us — we’d love to hear from you!